Size: 5oz
Ingredients & Benefits
Home-made roots drinks/tonics have been a part of our Jamaican tradition for a long time. These drinks have been touted to improve general health, counteract fatigue, improve mental clarity, and improve sexual performance and fertility. The formulas for these roots/tonics are usually handed down by older family or community members. However, in recent times, commercially prepared roots drinks have also been put on the market. One roots drink/tonic popular among Jamaicans is baba roots. The ingredients in this roots drink are water, brown sugar, molasses, smilax, sarsaparilla, dandelion, tan pon rock, strong back, honey, blood wiss, raw moon, medina, coconut rock and mint. This roots drink contains a number of herbs which are associated with increased stamina, sexual performance, increased blood count, as well as increased fertility.
For example, medina is a popular Jamaican herb used mainly as an aphrodisiac and booster for male virility and stamina. Due to the high iron content, it helps to reduce anaemia and low blood count.
Sarsaparilla helps to keep a balance in the major hormones that play a role in the health and function of the reproductive system. These hormones include cortin, testosterone and progesterone.
Also, strong back which is another popular herb in Jamaica, is generally used for back pain. However, it can also be used to strengthen the back muscles. Strong back has been shown to boost the body's energy, stamina, and also help to reduce impotence.
Raw moon, another herb in this popular tonic, may also help to enhance sexual performance in men and may also boost libido in women. Raw moon may also help to increase energy and reduce tiredness and fatigue.
Dandelion is also a powerful cleansing herb as well as a rich source of herbal nutrition. This herb is very important for those women who want to get pregnant. Dandelion encourages the production of bile in the liver, while helping to speed up the elimination of waste in the body. In addition, it may also supply some nutrients which may be lacking, and at the same time are important for pregnancy. Dandelion is also important in cleansing the liver. A build-up of toxins in the liver can affect the hormone balance in the body.
There are also some other herbs that are good for fertility. These include red clover. This herb is a source of bioidentical antioxidants. Red clover can be used to treat menstrual symptoms and promote regular periods. Another herb that is good for fertility in women is red raspberry. This herb serves as a tonic for the uterus. In men, the two most common causes of male infertility are low sperm count and low sperm mobility. Ginseng is a good herb to help with these two problems.
In addition, ginseng is also known to help erectile dysfunction and improve stamina. The herb saw palmetto has been used over many years for boosting sexual health in men and it has also been used to treat impotence which is a major concern in fertility.
Before using herbs/roots, it might be best to check with your doctor